
Friday 20 April 2012


THE PHYSICAL BODY IS COMPOSED OF 75% WATER, THE MUSCLES 75%, THE BLOOD 90%, THE BRAIN 90%, THE SPINAL COLUMN 85%, THE LUNGS 90% THE BONES 25% and etc...CONSEQUENTLY, COMPARED TO THE HOLY BREATH, IT IS NEXT IN IMPORTANCE FOR MAINTAINING A HEALTHY BODY. You can go approximately a month without eating, two weeks without water, but only 3 mintues (average) without breathing. THE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SELF WORKS HOLISTICALLY, USING AIR, WATER, FIRE, EARTH...COMBINED ETHER. THESE ELEMENTS KEEPS US ALIVE! Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. Our life, our planet. IS 3/4TH OR 75% WATER, However, most of it—98%--is salt water. Only 2% of the earth's H20 is fresh water that we can drink, and of this, almost all is trapped in frozen glaciers. You are not just what you eat; you are what you drink. This is why water is so important to your health.

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